Claudio Pinhanez, Heloisa Candello and Paulo Costa | IBM support



Heloisa Candello is a researcher and interaction designer of the Social Data Analytics group at IBM Research Brazil. She has experience conducting research to understand the motivations and contexts of people who use conversational interfaces.

Claudio Pinhanez is a scientist, inventor, professor and media artist. He holds a Ph.D. from MIT Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in the United States, and has been working at the IBM Research laboratories in New York and Brazil in the research and exploration of conversational systems, new interfaces for computers and artificial intelligence. His works have been displayed at MIT’s List Visual Center and at the NTT InterCommunication Center in Tokyo.

Paulo Costa is an art media producer and creator. He develops academic research on interfaces between the audiovisual media and mixed realities.

About IBM Research and IBM Brasil

In existence for more than seventy decades, the IBM Research unit has more than 3,000 researchers in 12 laboratories located in six continents. IBM Research scientists have won many awards, including six Nobel prizes.