8.6 – 6.8.2017 tuesday to friday from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM | saturday, sunday and holidays from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Paulista Avenue, 149, São Paulo/SP

The human brain is very different from a digital computer: electric signals are processed and stored in a fundamentally different manner in these two items of equipment, to say the least.

If it is not feasible for a person to function like a digital computer, increasingly complex and rapid programs and machines can, however, carry out functions that were previously executed by biological brains – and they do so at an unbelievable pace. Up to what point will the power of these machines continue to evolve? Will there be a limit?

Consciência Cibernética [?] [Cybernetic Consciousness [?]] proposes an artistic perspective on these issues, displaying works that explore different aspects of relatively unknown data processing characteristics, whether digital or not. These are works that learn, self-organize large amounts of data, develop solutions not previously imagined by their creators, talk in a natural language and make aesthetic choices. None of the works presented here is conscious. But each one of them exhibits important characteristics that, in a near future, may be part of cybernetic machines with a conscience.

This exhibition inserts itself within the same curatorial line as the art and technology biennials and exhibitions presented by Itaú Cultural since 1997. This theme also extends to various activities of the institute, such as the maintenance and circulation of its computer art collection and the support provided to the development of related projects through Rumos Itaú Cultural.

Itaú Cultural


Consciência Cibernética [?] – Cybernetic Consciousness [?]
Idea and production Itaú Cultural
Concept Marcos Cuzziol
Exhibition design Henrique Idoeta Soares

President Milú Villela
Superintendent director Eduardo Saron
Administrative superintendent Sérgio M. Miyazaki

Manager Sofia Fan
Coordinator Juliano Ferreira
Executive production Bianca Selofite and Júlia Sottili

Manager Claudiney Ferreira
Coordinator Kety Fernandes Nassar
Audiovisual production Jahitza Balaniuk
Image recording and editing Karina Fogaça

Manager Marcos Cuzziol
Coordinator Luciana Modé
Researcher Tiago Barbosa D'Ambrosio
Software developer Kenzo Okamura
Hardware configuration Fernando Oliveira

Manager Henrique Idoeta Soares
Coordinator Vinícius Ramos
Production Carmen Fajardo, Cecília Ungaretti (outsourced), Daniel Suares (outsourced), Érica Pedrosa Galante, Priscilla Mol (outsourced), Renan Ortega (intern) and Wanderley Bispo

Manager Valéria Toloi
Educational service coordinator Tatiana Prado
Team Amanda Freitas, Caroline Faro, Danilo Fox, Thays Heleno, Victor Soriano and Vinicius Magnun
Interns Aline Rocha, Bianca Melo, Bruna Caroline Ferreira, Caique Soares, Danielle de Oliveira, Gabriel Lopez, Edson Bismark, Elissa Sanitá, Fernanda Oliveira, Gabriela Lima, Guilherme Wichert, Juliana Cristina do Nascimento, Juliana Rosa, Juliane Lima, Kaliane Miranda, Kim Mansano, Luan Lima Silva, Luene Mantovani, Marcus Ecclissi, Maria Luiza Kazi, Mario Rezende, Paloma Xavier, Pamela Camargo, Pamela Mezadi, Patricya Maciel, Renan Jordan, Sidnei Santos, Thais Gonçalves, Vinicius Escócia, Vitor Augusto da Cruz and Wellington Rodrigues
Education program coordinator Samara Ferreira
Educators Carla Léllis, Claudia Malaco, Edvaldo Santos, Josiane Cavalcanti, Lucas Takahaschi, Luisa Saavedra, Malu Ramirez, Raphael Giannini, Thiago Borazanian and Vinícius Rodrigues

Manager Ana de Fátima Sousa
Content coordinator Carlos Costa
Content production and editing Amanda Rigamonti, Fernanda Castello Branco and Maria Clara Matos
Social networks Renato Corch
Proofing supervision Polyana Lima
Text proofing Denise Chinem and Rachel Reis (outsourced)
Translation Atelier das Palavras (Carmen Carballal) (outsourced)
Design coordinator Jader Rosa
Identity and visual communication Guilherme Ferreira Silva
Website development Nuova Comunicação
Editorial production Luciana Araripe
Photography editing André Seiti
Events and strategic communication Marina Rossana Ciancaglini (estagiária), Melissa Contessoto, Simoni Barbiellini and Vanessa Golau

Itaú Cultural has made all efforts to locate the copyright holders of the images/works hereby published, in addition to the photographed people. If you recognize or identify any work belonging to you, please contact us at the following email: atendimento@itaucultural.org.br.