



Adam Brown & Andrew H. Fagg


1st floor

Composed of hundreds of shiny synthetic three-dimensional talking forms of life – called bions –, this interactive installation explores the relationship between human beings and artificial life by means of a loudspeaker, blue LED lights and various sensors. The bions are hung on thin wires from panels attached to the ceiling.

When installed, these panels form bion groupings with different heights. The bions communicate among themselves, just as visitors do when they enter the installation.

When visitors approach, a bion is alerted to their presence and quickly passes on the information to the hive of bions, letting them know one by one that a stranger approaches – and, like a wave pattern, remains silent. Little by little, the bions become used to the visitors’ presence and behave as if they were part of the ecosystem. They feel attracted by their presence and their impulses become more intense as the visitors move closer. Finally, the visitors are incorporated into the dynamics they had previously witnessed from the outside.

The installation and its manner of relating to the public make reference to a primordial biological energy individual element, identified by scientist Wilhelm Reich as an orgone.